3امام ہا نبئ

17/12/2014 23:41

Shia scholar al-Muzaffar talks about the jobs of the Imams in his book of ‘Aqaed page 83:

هداية البشر وإرشادهم إلى ما فيه الصلاح والسعادة في النشأتين، وله ما للنبي من الولاية العامة على الناس لتدبير شئونهم ومصالحهم، وإقامة العدل بينهم، ورفع الظلم والعدوان من بينهم، وعلى هذا فالإمامة استمرار للنبوة

From the jobs of the Imams: “Guiding mankind to what brings them happiness in the two worlds, they have to rule over the nation the same way the Prophets ruled over them so that they can take care of their affairs and interests and to carry out the justice between them and remove oppression and settle the differences of the people, in this sense the Imamah is a continuation of the Prophet-hood.”